How Many Months Have 28 Days In A Year?

Every month of the year contains at least 28 days, but February is unique in typically having only 28 days except for leap years with 29 days.
Updated: December 26, 2024
5 minutes read

How many months have 28 days in a year? To simply answer, every month is complete and contains at least 28 days, but the month of February is the only one that is regarded to contain only 28 days but has 29 in the leap years.

How Many Months Have 28 Days?

Are you familiar with the following simple question: “How many months have 28 days?” This is one of the most notable questions that requires plain thinking from a person. It appears to be a trick question, and many would automatically refer to February as the Gregorian calendar’s shortest month. However, this question contains a rather obvious but rather forgotten fact that would even baffle calculated and numerate people.

The misconception arises from viewing February as the exclusive ‘28-day month’ in common years and ‘29-day month’ in leap years. In this line of focus, most people miss the fact that every month is composed of at least 28 days. The point is quite logical but can easily be overlooked because it reveals the system of calculation in our calendar.

Which Months Of The Year Have 28 Days?

Every month in a year has 28 days in each month. The calendar used today is the Gregorian calendar, which is divided into 12 months. They also differ in the number of days, ranging from one month being 28 days to another having thirty-one days. Here's a quick breakdown:

  • January: 31 days
  • February: 28 days (29 days in leap years)
  • March: 31 days
  • April: 30 days
  • May: 31 days
  • June: 30 days
  • July: 31 days
  • August: 31 days
  • September: 30 days
  • October: 31 days
  • November: 30 days
  • December: 31 days

While February is the only month that typically has exactly 28 days, it's important to note that the other months all include the 28th day in their count as well. This means that regardless of the length of the month, every single month in the Gregorian calendar has at least 28 days.

Why Does February Have 28 Days?

February, which consists of 28 days, is the shortest month of the year; this raises the following questions as to why this is so?

Back to the historical context, the Roman calendar that the Gregorian and Julian grew from was based on a twelve-part cycle based on the lunar cycle. To begin with, the Roman calendar consisted of only ten months; this calendar began in March and ended in December. These months had either 29 or 31 days days, following the lunar cycle, and the early part of the year, basically January and February, had no special names as people did not engage in farming during that time.

This was not the case until the Roman king, Numa Pompilius, felt the need to establish a well-organized calendar that was exhibited for the entire year. He incorporated two new months at the start of the calendar, namely, January and February. However, there was a catch: The Romans had a prejudice toward odd numbers, saying they are some sort of bad luck and this cultural belief guided the manner they organized their months.

To ensure that the Romans did not have the awkward, even-numbered months, he saw to it that the months had either 29 or 31 days. However, this posed a problem because twelve months that are made of odd numbers of days do not total to 365 days of the year. To solve this issue, one of the months needs to have an even number of days which is peculiar till this very day. February was the last month of the year in the old Roman calendar and the month in which Romans celebrated the dead; for this reason it was endowed with this ‘inauspicious’ feature and was assigned 28 days.

Months like January, March, and December, which have 31 days, contrast with months that occasionally stretch to 5 weeks. To explore these distinctions, check out How Many Months Have 5 WeeksHow Many Months Have 31 Days?

Why Does February Have 29 Days In The Leap Year?

Julius Caesar changed the calendar in 45 BCE to allow for the even more accurate Julian calendar, by shifting away from the lunar cycle altogether. This reform involved placing the leap year to facilitate the extra 0.25. Specifically, a solar year is made up of 365 days, with the remainder of 25 days not accounted for in a 365 day year.

The Julian calendar had the original design of adding one more day to February every four years, with February having 29 days during the leap year. This change made sure that the calendar was synchronized to the Earth’s revolutions with regard to the Sun.

The Gregorian Calendar

A special New Year’s calendar called the Julian calendar was later adjusted by the current Pope Gregory XIII in the year 1582 to come up with the universally used calendar called the Gregorian calendar. This modification enhanced the leap year system so as to account for errors that could have occurred in the past centuries. Nevertheless, February continued to remain the only month comprising a variable number of days, 28 days in ordinary years and 29 days in leap years.


What is the average number of days per month?

In order to find the average of the number of days in a month, the total number of days that are present in a year must be divided by the number of months that are present in a year. An average year is made up of 365 days of a year. Therefore, the average number of days per month is:

  • Average days per month = 365 days / 12 months ≈ 30.42 days
  • In a leap year, which has 366 days, the average is:
  • Average days per month = 366 days / 12 months ≈ 30.5 days

So, the average number of days per month ranges between approximately 30.42 and 30.5 days.

What is 28 days from today?

To find out what the date will be 28 days from today, you can simply add 28 days to the current date. This calculation can be done manually using a calendar or automatically using various date calculation tools available online.

For example, if today is August 1, 2024. 28 days from August 1, 2024 = August 29, 2024.

You may use the Days From Today calculator to find the result quickly and accurately.

How do I calculate 28 days from now?

Calculating 28 days from now is straightforward. Here’s a simple, step-by-step method you can follow:

  • Identify today’s date: Note down today’s date.
  • Add 28 days: Count forward 28 days on a calendar.
  • Adjust for month-end: If the addition crosses into a new month, make sure to account for the varying number of days in each month.

Therefore, the question “How many months have 28 days?” is one that makes many people consider February as the special 28-day month. Though, when paying closer attention to it, one is going to realize that each month in the Gregorian calendar has not less than 28 days. February is special because it comprises 28 days, but adds one more day during the leap years, totaling to 29 days.