Time Converter allows you to easily and swiftly convert between various time units.
In this time conversion calculator, months are calculated using an average of 30.416 days per month. This is derived from dividing 365 days in a year by 12 months: 365 ÷ 12 = 30.416 days per month.
A year includes 365 days. This calculator does not account for the extra day in leap years, which have 366 days.
Simply enter the time value and select the unit you wish to convert from, then choose the desired unit to convert to. The available time units include seconds, milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.
You can utilize conversion factors to convert one time unit into another through multiplication or division. By knowing the conversion factor, converting between units can become a straightforward mathematical equation: S×C=E
The table below presents conversion factors to convert any time value into seconds through multiplication.
Example: Convert 120 Minutes into Seconds. Multiply 120 minutes by 60 seconds per minute: 120 min×60 s/min=7200 seconds.
Example: Convert 28,800 Seconds into Hours. Multiply 28,800 seconds by 1/3600 (because there are 3600 seconds per hour). This is equivalent to dividing 28,800 seconds by 3600 seconds per hour: 28,800 s÷3600 s/h=8 hours
To convert between units, you can first convert the initial value to seconds using its conversion factor, then convert from seconds to the desired unit. Alternatively, divide the initial unit's conversion factor by the desired unit's conversion factor for a direct conversion.
Below is a table listing the units, symbols, and conversion values utilized in this time conversion tool:
Starting value | Symbol | Converted result | Conversion factor |
nanosecond | ns | second | 0.000000001 |
millisecond | ms | second | 0.001 |
second | s | second | 1 |
minute | min | second | 60 |
hour | h | second | 3600 |
day | d | second | 86400 |
week | wk | second | 604800 |
month | mo | second | 2628000 |
year | yr | second | 31536000 |
A sidereal day is a unit of time used in astronomy, defined as the period it takes for the Earth to complete one full rotation relative to the stars. If we were to observe the Earth from outside the Solar System, we would see that it actually makes 366.242 rotations in a year (one revolution around the Sun). We only count 365.242 because one rotation is effectively canceled out by our journey around the Sun. Consequently, the sidereal day, defined as the average time between two successive rise of the same star, is shorter than the mean solar day.
A sidereal day lasts 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.09054 seconds, or precisely 86,164.09054 seconds. Like the solar day, it is divided into 24 sidereal hours, each sidereal hour further divided into 60 sidereal minutes, and each sidereal minute into 60 sidereal seconds.
The Time Unit Converter empowers you to swiftly and accurately convert between various time units. By utilizing conversion factors, you can perform simple calculations to find the equivalent values across different time measurements. Use this tool to save time and enhance the precision of your conversions!