A Business Day Calculator is a tool used to determine the number of business days (weekdays excluding public holidays and weekends) between two dates. It's commonly used in various industries, especially in finance, legal, and project management, where deadlines and contract terms often specify completion or processing times in business days rather than calendar days.
This calculator works in a different way from other standard date calculators, which means that it does not actually count weekends or any other public holidays. It makes it an important tool for individuals and organizations that require a timeline for some activities that are not inclusive of weekends or holidays.
Similar tools that help calculate the days between two dates are: Date Calculator, Day Counter,... Use our business day calculator to find the number of business days between dates. For tracking time, try our time clock calculator or the work hours calculator to tally your total hours. If you need to know how many hours are in a specific timeframe, check out our how many hours.
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