How Many Hours is 8AM - 5PM?

Quickly determine the exact hours between 8 AM and 5 PM or any two specific times; see the results below!

This How Many Hours is 8AM - 5PM calculator determines how many hours are left until 11:30 AM on the same day from the current time. Whether it’s for work scheduling, planning a project, or just out of curiosity, this free online time calculator tool provides the answer instantly.

There are exactly 9 hours between 8 AM and 5 PM on the same day. This duration is common for a workday with break time. However, the time span is not 9 hours if you want to calculate the hours difference between 8 AM and 5 AM the following day; the duration, in this case, is 21 hours. Similarly, for calculations between 8 AM and 5 PM the following day, the difference is 33 hours.

As you can see, the exact hours between 8 and 5 depend on whether you’re calculating within a single day or across multiple days.