The Subtract Time Calculator is a basic time calculator that simplifies subtracting time durations, allowing users to deduct a specified time value from a given time. With this innovative tool, you just need to enter the required input, and the tool itself will do the rest, providing the results almost instantly. This calculator is convenient in various scenarios, from everyday activities to professional settings, where precise time calculation is necessary.
For more advanced time calculations, the Time Ago Calculator can help you find past times, the Time Duration Calculator offers precise time span measurements, and the Time Difference Calculator helps you calculate the difference between two times.
Consider combining the Subtract Time Calculator with other scheduling and calculator tools, such as calendars, planners, the Add Time calculator, Subtract From a Date calculator, and more, for comprehensive time management.
Let’s say you are a small business owner and want to calculate today’s total work hours (without breaks) for each employee. Follow the steps below to determine how many hours and how many minutes they worked for today.
Step 1. In cell B2, input the start time, including AM or PM, then press Enter.
Step 2. In cell C2, input the end time, including AM or PM, then press Enter.
Step 3. In cell E2, input the break duration.
Step 4. Enter the start time, end time, and break duration for other employees.
Step 5. In cell D2, enter the formula =C2-B2 to deduct the end time from the start time. Next, press "Enter". This will result in hours worked with breaks (if available).
Step 6. Right-click on D2, and select "Format Cells". In the Format Cells box:
Navigate to the "Category" list and select the "Custom" option.
In the "Type" list (adjacent to the Category list), choose "h:mm" (for hours and minutes).
When done, press "OK". Now you know that employee A worked 6 hours and 55 minutes (with a break).
Step 7. To deduct the break deduction, in cell F2, type in the formula "=D2-E2" and press Enter. The result is the net hours worked (6 hours and 25 minutes).
Step 8. To get the results for other employees, copy the formula by selecting cell F2, then dragging to cell F4, and electing cell D2, then dragging to cell D4.
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