Time Calculator

Calculate duration and add or subtract days, hours, minutes with our free Time Calculator. Perfect for calculating time difference, time duration between two dates.
Current Time

Basic Time Calculators

Use these free basic time calculators to easily add or subtract time, calculate the duration between two specific time points, convert time to the 24-hour format, and more. Just provide the necessary inputs, and our tools will handle the rest for you.

Time Calculators

Here’s a comprehensive set of work time and Time Duration Calculators tailored to meet specific requirements. You can rely on them to help you with various tasks, such as calculating work hours, finding the number of minutes or hours between two specific times, and more.

Date Calculators

Our tool accurately calculates the number of days, weeks, months, or years, providing precise date results for both future and past events.

Time Converters

Just enter the time you want to convert, and our tool will instantly provide the converted value, making it easy to manage hours, minutes, seconds, days, and more.


Just enter the date and time you want to count down to, click "Create Countdown," and the tool will display a real-time countdown timer for you.


Simply input the duration you need, hit the Start button, and our tool will count down in real-time, helping you stay on track for tasks, events, or activities with accurate timing.


Need a calendar? We've got you covered! Explore our range of free options, including lunar calendars, quarterly calendars, the calendar, etc. Find the perfect one to suit your needs, and start managing your time more effectively today.

Time calculators offer practical solutions for everyday problems—whether it's determining the duration between two dates, adding or subtracting time intervals, or converting hours to minutes. With intuitive interfaces and advanced features, these tools cater to both casual users and professionals needing precise time management.

What is a Time Calculator?

A time calculator is a free online tool to quickly calculate time, add durations, or subtract days, hours, minutes, or seconds from a given time. It also allows users to determine a future or past date by adding or subtracting a specific time amount from a starting date.

The tool offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies time calculations. It's free and easy to use, making tasks like calculating time durations, converting time zones, or determining hours ago and hours from now straightforward. When used properly, the tool can serve as a time difference calculator, date calculator, time zone converter, time card calculator, hours calculator, etc.

How to Use the Time Calculator?

How to Add or Subtract Times

  • Enter the time values you want to add together or subtract in the respective fields.
  • Note: The input values must be integers equal to or higher than 0.
  • Select "+Add" or "-Subtract".
  • Press the "Calculate" button. The results will be displayed on your screen within less than a second.
  • If you want to calculate other time values, press the "Clear" button and repeat the above steps.

For example, to find out what time it will be 72 hours from now, select "Now" (or manually enter the current time) as the Start time. Then, choose the "Add" option and input 72 hours and 00 minutes. Finally, click "Calculate" to see the results.

How to Add or Subtract Time From a Date

Input the Start Time information in the respective fields:

  • Tap or click the drop-down arrow, and select the Month and Day. Next, type in the value for the Year.
  • Quick tip: Tap the "Today" option to select today as the Start Time automatically.
  • Enter the values for hours, minutes, and seconds in the respective fields.
  • Select "+Add" or "-Subtract".
  • Input the time duration you want to add to or subtract from the "Start Time."
  • Press the "Calculate" button to see the results.
  • Press the "Clear" button and repeat the above steps to calculate other time values.

How to Calculate Time Manually

  • Adding or Subtracting Time
  • Convert the time into a 24-hour format for accuracy.
  • Add or subtract the hours, minutes, and seconds separately, being mindful of carryovers or borrowings.

For instance, if the result is beyond 60 minutes or 24 hours, convert the excess into hours or days.

Example: To determine what time will it be in 43 minutes if it's currently 3:35 PM (15:35), adding 43 minutes will give you 16:18 (4:18 PM).

Adding or Subtracting Time from a Date

  • Determine the starting date and time as well as the time value you want to add to or subtract from it.
  • Start with the Seconds: Add or subtract the seconds. Convert any overflow to minutes.
  • Proceed to Minutes and Hours: Add or subtract minutes and hours, converting overflow as needed.
  • Adjust the Date: Finally, add or subtract the days, adjusting the month and year if necessary.

Example: To find out what day 20 days from today is, assuming the current date is 11:00 AM, August 2. By adding 20 days, the result will be 11:00 AM, August 22.

5 Highlighted Features of Our Time Calculator

  • Multi-unit calculation: Perform calculations involving various units of time, such as seconds, minutes, hours, days, and years.
  • Precision and reliable calculations: Ensure fast, accurate calculations even for large amounts of time or complex time conversions.
  • Conversion capabilities: Easily convert time between different units.
  • Quick and easy to use: Intuitive interface simplifies the process of entering and manipulating time values.
  • Mobile compatibility: Responsive design ensures usability across various devices for convenient on-the-go calculations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the core function of a time calculator?

It calculates time intervals, differences, and conversions between various units of time.

Can a time calculator handle time zone conversions?

Yes, it can calculate time differences across time zones by adjusting for location-based offsets.

What calculations can it perform?

Time addition/subtraction, time conversions, future/past date determination, and more.

What are common uses for a time calculator?

Tracking work hours, planning events, converting time zones, and calculating countdowns.

How does it assist with hours, minutes, and seconds conversions?

By enabling effortless switching between time units with precise calculations.

Can it calculate date and time differences?

Yes, you can input two dates and times to determine the exact duration between them.

Who benefits from using a time calculator?

Professionals, students, and anyone needing to track or convert time accurately.

A time calculator is a powerful and versatile tool for managing and measuring time-related tasks. It simplifies complex calculations, improves accuracy, and enhances productivity. Whether you're tracking work hours, planning future events, or converting time zones, a time calculator provides the precision and convenience needed to stay organized and on schedule.